Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fake Sugar - Does it Really Help You Lose Weight?

!±8± Fake Sugar - Does it Really Help You Lose Weight?

They are so determined to lose weight and you're going to use artificial sweeteners to help. Now stop! Before reaching for diet soda, think about it. Regular users artificial sweeteners tend to gain more weight than users of the real thing! And diet drinks are the worst! Artificial sweeteners contribute mightily to high insulin levels. In addition, you need more food and drinks, artificial sweeteners to satisfy, in part becauseThe sweeteners do not have much taste to begin.

For a better taste of their processed foods, manufacturers often have two or more artificial sweeteners their products. If these foods hit the mouth, the brain signals the pancreas, the pancreas in the sugar and shoots out a load of insulin, the sugar that it's no deal. Your stomach is disappointed, you're still hungry and eat more to compensate for the lack of abundance. Now we have aLook at some of the artificial sweeteners used in these chemical creations.

Saccharin - the granddaddy of all
Saccharin is a petroleum derivative around for a long time. Saccharin is still in the little pink packets on restaurant tables, although it is known to have carcinogenic potential. For many people, saccharin has a bitter aftertaste. Saccharin is the chemical sweetener has been formulated ever produced today and will be replaced quickly enoughcompetitors artificial sweeteners.

Aspartame, commonly known as NutraSweet or equal to excitotoxins is for your brain. Aspartame is found in many soft drinks and other bottled drinks. Aspartame can cause all kinds of brain dysfunction. Many users of aspartame have headaches, mood swings and even rashes complains. Aspartame is a sugar substitute very low! Here are some other reasons to stay away from him are:

Aspartame is composed of 50% did phenilaline40% aspartic acid, and 10% methanol. Phenilaline is a substance many people cannot metabolize and they pass this trait on to their children, causing mental retardation in those children. Aspartame can stimulate your brain to death, trigger tumors and brain cancer, and interact adversely with prescription drugs.

We said that Aspartame contains methanol. Methanol is wood alcohol. Methanol distributes itself throughout your body, including your brain, muscle tissue, fat, and nerve tissue, and that's not all.

When Aspartame gets into your body and reaches a temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the methanol converts to Formic Acid and Formaldehyde, commonly known as embalming fluid. Since you know that your normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees, you now know that you can have embalming fluid in your cells binding to proteins and DNA. Drink a lot of soda and you risk vision, brain, heart, nerve problems, and pancreatic inflammation. And if that's not enough to convince you to stay away from it, Aspartame was once on a Pentagon list of bio-warfare chemicals submitted to Congress. Our government at work, looking after our welfare! There's more, but we're going beyond the scope of this article.

Splenda, as an artificial sweetener, tastes better than Saccharin or Aspartame and has heat stability that enables its use in cooking. The claim that Splenda is made from sugar is only partly true. Splenda starts out as sugar, true enough, but then three parts of the sugar molecules are chemically replaced with chlorine atoms. This process creates a chlorocarbon very similar to insecticide. While the manufacturer is very quick to call Splenda "natural," this artificial sweetener is still nothing less than a chemical concoction. The manufacturer of Splenda claims that his artificial sweetener is "not absorbed," but the truth is that about 15% of Splenda, about 6 calories per tablespoon is absorbed. These calories come from a mixture of carbohydrates needed to stabilize this chlorocarbon compound.


Sugar, in contrast to artificial sweeteners, has really taken a bad rap when it comes to the weight loss question. It's not the teaspoon of sugar you put into your morning coffee that's doing all the damage. It's all that sugar that other people are putting into the food you eat that's making the waistband of your jeans too tight. Forget that those "Cocoa Krispies" are "organic" or that the "Krispy Kreme" donut is ""whole grain." They're loaded with a big sugar blast. Commercial processing of almost any whole food will blunt its flavor. Processors get the taste back into it by putting in sugar. (Most ingredients listed on the label that end in "ose" contain sugar. Any "syrup" contains sugar.) Too much sugar is not good for your body. Sugar adds calories. Sugar has no helpful nutrients and forces your body into insulin and inflammatory responses that can eventually backfire as asthma, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, among other health disorders. Some processed foods have as much as 300% of the recommended daily allowance for sugar.

The number one source of calories in America is high fructose corn syrup, or HFCS in sodas. There are about 40 grams of HFCS in each can of soda, far more than the American Medical Association's recommended daily maximum consumption of all the sweeteners you consume during the day. And we haven't even considered all the high fructose corn syrup that is included in just about everything that comes off the packaged grocery shelf. Twenty five percent of the calories consumed by the average American is in the form of manufacturer added sweeteners and the majority of those sweeteners are high fructose corn syrup.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is known to raise your trigliceride and LDL cholesterol, putting you at increased risk of heart disease. The unbound fructose in HFCS, which contains zero vitamins, can in itself interfere wqith your heart's use of copper, magnesium, and chromium, minerals vital to its functioning. HFCS interferes with your feeling of fullness when you eat, so you tend to eat more than you need, and to top it all off, HFCS is addictive! High Fructose Corn Syrup affects Leptin, a hormone made by the body's fat cells. Leptin tells your body to stop eating! Processed fructose fails to stop the action of Ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger and appetite. You fail to get the message to stop eating!

Without a doubt, the very best sugar substitute available to us today is XYLITOL This plant based sugar alcohol has the look and texture of sugar. Xylitol is slightly less sweet than sugar, but only slightly so. Essentially, Xylitol can be used one on one in recipes calling for sugar. It will not feed yeast however. Xylitol is metabolized much more slowly than sugar, and most diabetics, after consulting with their doctor, should be able to use it safely.

Fake Sugar - Does it Really Help You Lose Weight?

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Best breakfast cereal-2007

!±8± Best breakfast cereal-2007

Breakfast healthier whole grains. If you are trying to lose weight, control cholesterol or diabetes, or simply have a lot of energy, the best thing is a cooked hot cereal grains such as oats or barley, rice or wheat berries cooked and served as flour d 'oats. Flavor with raisins or other dried fruit, cinnamon, and maybe a handful of nuts like pine nuts.

If you prefer granola, you should check the ingredients list carefully. The FIRSTIngredient should be whole grain. Then browse the entire list and if you see the words "partially hydrogenated", put the box on the shelf. You should avoid foods with partially hydrogenated oils (or "trans fats"), and they still show in many cereals (see list below).

After removing all brands of refined grains or partially hydrogenated oils, check for added sugar (little or none) and fiber (you want a lot.)

Raisins or otherDried fruits add many grams of sugar in the list panel of nutrition, are not made of sugar, we can only estimate the amount.

The fiber content listed on the label can be confusing, because it is based on portion size, and very easy to cereals (like wheat blowing) show little fiber per serving, but an acceptable amount when you adjust for weight. Made from corn bran (the outer covering of grains removed) than fiberCereal content of whole grain (the germ and parts of cereal starch and fiber), but they can digest.

Update 2007: I am pleased to note that partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) have been taken by many grain. The old list included 56 brands with ST, the new list has only 13! Most of the popular General Mills, Post and Quaker cereal brands no more. Kellogg is the most important grain producers who have not removedmany of its leading products, we hope you will respond quickly to consumer pressure.

It 'really whole grain? The producers call for more whole grain reacts in our diet, so you can find many other ways that my recommendation is "the first ingredient as whole grain products" meet. Yet many of those who argue that "full" will still include refined grains. It may take some detective work to see what you get. An ingredient is whole grains (ieShredded wheat, puffed wheat, oatmeal) are sure bets. If you see milled corn, corn flour, wheat flour and rice in

Cereals made from whole grains: Recommended
(No trans fats, little or no added sugar, but check the list of ingredients - recipes can change.)

Cheerios - General Mills

Chex, wheat or corn Multi - General Mills

Cinnamon Toast Crunch - General Mills

Cinnamon Graham - General Mills

French Toast Crunch - General Mills

Golden Grahams -General Mills

Grape Nuts - Post

Grape Nut Flakes - Post

Large corn, all varieties - Post

Healthy Choice Toasted Brown Sugar Squares - Kelloggs

Kashi (all varieties) - Kashi Company

Life - Quaker

Mini-corn, all varieties - Kelloggs

Muesli - Familia

Nutri-Grain, all varieties - Kelloggs

Oatmeal Crisp, all varieties - General Mills

Oat Squares - Quaker

Organic Healthy Fiber Multigrain Flakes - HealthValley

Puffed wheat - Quaker and others

Shredded Wheat, all varieties and sizes - The Post and other

South Beach Diet Toasted Wheat

Total - General Mills

Uncle Sam - U.S. Mills


Wheaties - General Mills

Barbara, Cascadian Farm, Mother Nature promises and other smaller brands that specialize in "healthy" cereals (but always the list of ingredients).

Recommended: All Bran Bran cereal or high
(No trans fats, little orno added sugar. )

100% Bran - Post

All Bran, all varieties - Kelloggs

Bran Flakes - Post

Chex, Multi-Bran - General Mills

Complete Bran Wheat Flakes - Kellogg

Complete Oat Bran Flakes - Kellogg

Oats Cracklin 'Bran - Kellogg

Crunchy Corn Bran - Quaker

Fiber balls 7 - Health Valley

A fiber - General Mills

Fruit and Bran - Post

Granola, low fat - Kellogg

Oat Bran - Quaker

Oat Bran Flakes - HealthValley

Oat Bran Flakes with Raisins - Health Valley

Raisin Bran with organic - Health Valley

Raisin Bran - Kellogg

Raisin Bran Flakes - Health Valley

Raisin Bran, whole wheat - Post

Raisin Nut Bran - General Mills

Shredded Wheat bran 'n' - Post

Total, Raisin Bran - General Mills

N Fiber Weight Watchers Flakes'

100% Natural Granola - Quaker

Not Recommended - Cereals that partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) contain *
Many are primarily refined grains and sugars.

Basic Four - General Mills

Cocoa Krispies - Kellogg

Corn Pops - Kellogg

Froot Loops - Kellogg

Golden Crisp - Post

Granola with raisins, low fat - Kellogg * (see note below)

Healthy Choice Mueslix - Kellogg

Healthy Choice Almond Crunch with Raisins - Kelloggs

Healthy Choice Low Fat Granola with Raisins - Kelloggs

Mini Swirlz - Kellogg

Sat -Kelloggs

Smart Start - Kelloggs

Special K - Kellogg

Not Recommended - Cereals made from refined grains
Many of these contain lots of sugar

Apple Jacks - Kellogg

Cap'n Crunch, all varieties - Quaker

Chex, rice or corn - General Mills

Cocoa Frosted Flakes - Kellogg

Gusts of cocoa - Quaker

Cocoa Pebbles - Post

Cocoa Puffs - General Mills

Cookie Crisp / Chocolate Chip - General Mills

Corn Pops -Kelloggs

Corn Flakes - Kellogg's and other

Count Chocula - General Mills

Crispix - Kellogg

Frosted Flakes - Kellogg

Fruity Pebbles - Post

Honey bunches of Oats - Post

Comb honey - Post

Honey Nut Clusters - General Mills

KIX - General Mills

Lucky Charms - General Mills

Article 19 - Kellogg

Puffed rice - Quaker

Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs - General Mills

Rice Krispies, all varieties - Kelloggs

Total CornFlakes - General Mills

* When I checked these low-fat Granola cereal contained 1/26/07 Kelloggs' with raisins, partially hydrogenated oils, while its ease of low-fat Granola had none. I hope this means that Kelloggs is following the example of other cereal species and that the PHO is soon to disappear from all their products. In the meantime, protect and control the list of ingredients! Cereal recipes change.

Best breakfast cereal-2007

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Save Time with No-Bake Cookies

!±8± Save Time with No-Bake Cookies

If you do not want to heat the kitchen or the demands of the growing children out of the house on you, it's nice to have a couple of no-bake cookie recipes on hand. We thought we'd share with you some of our favorites.

Coconut Cranberry Bars

The first recipe, Cranberry Coconut Bar is more like a big boy cookie-it has to comply with too much fruit and nuts too, younger people. But it's so delicious and easy, we had to have it. If you take a lunch break for aSpouse or a teenager, we think this will be a success. Of course not go into a bucket.

This microwave is a cookie that can be mixed right into the pan. How's that for convenience?

If you are not a substitute dried cranberries look like dates, raisins or chopped apricot pieces in this recipe.

1 / 2 cup butter

1 / 2 cup brown sugar

1 1 / 2 cup of oatmeal

1 / 4 cup light corn syrup

1 / 2 cup dried cranberries

1 / 2 cupsweetened flaked coconut

1 / 2 cup walnut pieces


1 Put the butter in an 8-inch square dish from microwave. Microwave until the butter is melted.

2 Mix the brown sugar is completely dissolved. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Press the mixture into the bowl with firmness.

3 Microwave for 3-5 minutes or until golden brown. If your microwave does not rotating carousel, rotate the dish twice during cooking.

4 Let the cookieslet cool and then cut into bars with a sharp knife. Wrap individually in a packed lunch.

This recipe makes sixteen 2 x 2 inches square.

The following recipe is a big boy cookie. It 's almost candy-like, but as oats and friendly energy that you do not mind what your child packs a few. This cookie is best with a glass of milk.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Drops

This is a quote-top cookies. Since this is a no-baker and so full of energy,cookies makes a great camping.

2 cups sugar

1 / 2 cup milk

1 / 4 cup butter

1 / 3 cocoa

2 1 / 2 cup rolled oats

Peanut butter 1 / 2 cup

1 / 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar


1 Combine sugar, milk, butter and cocoa in a medium saucepan. On medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture comes to a boil. Remove the cooking for two minutes, stirring and then remove the pan from the heat.

2 Mix the peanut butter and vanilla;then the oats.

3 Leave to cool for a few minutes and then drop spoonfuls on wax paper. Let cool completely before removing cookies from baking paper.

No More-Bakers

If the thought does not cook, do not forget the perennial favorite, Rice Krisp crackers Treats and Frosted Graham. We assume everyone has a recipe for Rice Krisp Treats. Consider chocolate chips, dried fruit pieces, or cinnamon candies for a little 'spirited.

ARice Krisp Chocolate Treats, melt 2 / 3 cup chocolate chips (for a recipe for six cups of cereal) with marshmallows and butter. This is a true favorite, our kids like these Krisp Rice Treats more than normal, and are not hard to do.

For crackers, Frosted, simply select your favorite frosting and sandwich that between two squares biscuit. Select a glaze with powdered sugar-base that is firmly established and not dirty.

Save Time with No-Bake Cookies

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

The best food

!±8± The best food

All of us eat so everyone has an opinion about the food. But if health is the goal, mere opinion does not count, but not bland or majority rule.

Most people think of the average diet cooked on the official food pyramid is based just fine. Some eat mostly fast food. Others claim veganism (eating only foods of plant origin) or ova-lacto vegetarian (vegetables, milk and eggs). There are also supporters of particular foods such as fruit juices, soy products, and macrobiotic cookingCereals and rice.

One can make arguments for their beliefs. You can miss a few examples of people, the disease and live longer. Some argue that morality and ethics, as if to say the life of sentient animals should not be sacrificed for food. Others have their eating habits by the standards of Scripture that avoiding certain types of foods and other sacred. Others just eat what is good and this is logical enough for them.

Food beliefs seem to be almostreligious character. People feel cared for and very eager to eat, not like other interference. But because health is at hand, there is the mouth, the thought, honest reflection and a willingness to change in order.

It is easy to deceive, because the eating habits, do not manifest their full effect until late in life. Diet can also affect future generations of genetically compatible. In this sense, food ideas and religion in hundredsseven different, everyone is entitled to have the truth. But none of them has to fear for the case of waste does not occur until all dead and buried for the afterlife.

The body is extremely adaptable and will try to survive with what is given. If the food is wrong, there is usually no immediate damage. But the body will be at the end of their ability to adapt to stress, leading to disease, degeneration and loss of vitality. Unfortunately, the consequences are soback in time to eat the regime, few understand that means that the distance ratio.

So, before you register for bold statements about what is or is not good to eat carefully. The real test of the concept of health is too far into the future. Our greatest hope is well founded then it philosophically, before you slide your legs under the table.

How can we develop a philosophy and way of eating healthy food all the competing ideas? I'm here for an explanationvery simple principle, so reasonable that you do not even need to look for evidence. Follow along with me and see if you do not agree.

Consider the following three locations:

1 Just as a tree is genetically adapted to absorb certain nutrients from the soil and a lion is genetically adapted to thrive on prey, and a deer is genetically adapted to browse on vegetation, to which humans are genetically adapted to certain types of food.

2 Most of the foods that are currently suspended,A product of agriculture / industrial revolution and take a small part of the genetic history of humans. (Back, 276 miles to see the time line, they represent only a few centimeters of the dietary habits of industrial type.)

3 The natural, genetically, is suitable for people with food front. In other words, how could humans exist before the food was needed to survive? We were completely developed biologically before any method of agriculture and food industry.This means that the archetypal diet humans ate was the perfect diet because that diet was responsible for the existence and development of the human organism incredibly complex. The diet was the environment, the environmental nutritional womb, if you will, from which we were created.

If we consider these three premises, the logical conclusion is derived from it, which would be the best food for man, the food we eat to the way it is, as found in nature.

Our fabrics have beendeveloped for the nutrients of the foods to natural habitats of food, irrigated, no dyes, preservatives, plastics, nutrient strength lean and refined sugars and oils. Make no mistake, if we do not eat according to this principle, our bodies in perpetual shortage, imbalance and toxin exposure. To ignore the result of generations of this principle is an epidemic of obesity, chronic degenerative diseases and the impoverishment of our digestion.

A feature of all naturalThe food is that it is the first - in life, if you want. This is in accordance with the law of biogenesis, that life can come only from preexisting life, he says. Life creates life. Despite the dreams of scientists, on the contrary, we have never observed life from life, nor have we ever be able to create life from non-life in the laboratory. If we live to eat foods, we enhance our lives. When we are dead, devitalized foods we eat devitalized and dead. Granted, not all happen toworn only once, but as the reserves of adaptation are, we are like the dead, what we eat.

So a key feature of our natural diet is that it was raw. Yes, even meat, organs, eggs and insects - first. Remember, we are very backward in time, before the use of fire (not to mention the microwave, stove, oven, grill, fryer or extruder). Studies on the feeding of the cultures of primitive societies of the past and still today shows that just ate as their genes and the environmentdictated.

We were suddenly fell from space to earth with pans, matches and barbecues. We started on the forest floor, not the one behind the counter of fast food. We just had our only natural organism in a natural world, like any other creature. Every other organism on Earth eats raw foods like those found in nature. They believe that nature does not notice our decision to change everything?

Tofu wish to qualify? No, because the tofu is found nowhere in nature. WouldTo qualify for porridge? No, oatmeal, because it found nowhere in nature. It would be burgers, fries, pop, breakfast cereals, cereal, canned foods, sweets, drinks, muscle building powders, vitamins and minerals, mashed potatoes, carrot cake, croissants, sandwiches, Jolly Rancher, Ding Dong, Cocoa Krispies, Good 'n To qualify Plentys or Fig Newton? No. None of this is found as such in nature.

For those of you who put in hours of panic (if not choking) at the thoughtRaw, yes, there is the risk of foodborne pathogens. But if you are careful and clean, the danger is much less than the risk of eating for life is devitalized processed foods. Raw natural foods must be safe, or did not survive our ancestors, and we would not exist!

There is a choice. If before the election, why not opt ​​for the wisdom of nature? Is not it strange we are the only creatures on the planet, to cook our food? Is it any wonder that, who succumball types of chronic degenerative diseases virtually unknown in living organisms eat natural raw diet?

In short, think of themselves in nature in the complete absence of modern technology. Ask yourself the question, what I eat ... and what can I eat? You can eat and digest fruits, nuts, insects, some plants, honey, worms, larvae, eggs, milk and meat from animals. It is only of food substances in nature human beings are able to digest without technology (including fire)Intervention. These are, in fact, the very foods that are the foundation of the primitive nomadic societies. Only when these foods are not only unpleasant, inedible foods such as cereals and most vegetables are cooked and processed to change their attractiveness to neutralize toxins and increase its digestibility.

That's where we were. But this has something to do with us here today in the 21 century old microwave? It has everything to do with us, because this is expansivehistorical context of how the body, as defined and served us. And 'this wild and untouched nature, that the vast majority takes our history and dominates our genetics. And 'the incubator, has become the life on planet Earth.

What would the food have been predominant in nature? Likely prey. Imagine back in time in the post with a family to feed. It will for most of the calories and foods rich in nutrients, could be found. Thatwould not be a few grains of wheat, some grass or a root. You could do all the herbivores, grazing and digestion, with their specialized stomachs that can convert virtually any plant material into protein and fats. Then you eat. I do not like it, but that's the way it is.

Pretty simple right? We should eat what nature provides that we can digest. But this is not in textbooks nutrition, nutritionists and PhD, without even declaredto understand. It crosses the whole theory, beliefs and assumptions. It corresponds to our natural body with our natural food.

Our immersion in modern kitchens and food processing has misled us. Foods such as cereals, tofu, cauliflower and lettuce, which is marketed as the ultimate healthy food is, in fact, not natural human foods at all. These products may or may not exist in nature, are as rare as you could ever bring food, or are pre-cooked and not edible in their raw formeven toxic.

For example, raw soybeans contain a variety of chemicals that can stunt growth and impair the body's own digestive enzymes. Eating enough of them and die. Cereals are the result of modern agriculture and are inedible in their raw, indigestible and toxic. In nature, one would never have enough grains of rice, wheat or barley, even in a meal, even if they were edible in their raw form. (Seedlings and grains are an exception to this sinceThey are healthy, nutritious and raw.)

Who, if you really, really hungry - and the options were available - would eat raw broccoli, cauliflower or lettuce? These foods are now only made palatable by cooking and dressings made with squeegees.

Now, this creates something of a dilemma. To know what our natural diet and consume it are two different things. We are so accustomed to the modern diet, the idea of ​​eating raw meat, for example, for the most sickening acclimated.However, the tests may be eaten with great nutritional value for the primitive man (but nutritionally advanced) peoples, raw meat and organs, and are completely digestible and non-toxic. Some cultures also buried raw meat and left to rot (ferment) and then consumed with gusto. These companies are difficult to penetrate even in modern food. Then, like a bathtub ring dirt, modern degenerative diseases decimated the population to the periphery in contact with the modernFood.

It would be very difficult, today, the ideal raw material for a natural diet. But if the basic principle to keep in mind that helps us to remember our origins and we indicate the corresponding genetically adapted to the food.

This does not mean that processed foods should be eaten or cooked. It simply means that this is always the body of stress and genetic capabilities will ultimately result in less than optimal health.

Look around the supermarket (usually outsideLanes) and consider what it is, that could be eaten in its natural state. Increasing the percentage of such foods. Processed foods should be chosen so that a compromise among the lowest natural principles and as close to nature as possible. It is recommended to protect the whole foods, nutritional value and packed with care free of plastics, oils and refined sugars.

For example, whole milk yogurt, pasteurized or homogenized so far not perfect. The same would be better for pasteurized.The same is pasteurized and homogenized next. Worse would be fat-free, pasteurized, homogenized, artificially flavored and sweetened yogurt (which is, of course, to eat what the majority because they like best, what we use to season - candy).

Eating the best food you can find variety and moderation, and we will do the best you can do.

We have a few words, what had led to the discovery of decades of research, study and reflection. It 'simple and obvious, butThis is how all great truths.

The best food

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